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New Year's Resolutions

We've all made them.

Have we kept them going?

I am not promising myself to lose weight, eat healthier, spend more time with the family....... etc.

I've never kept up with any resolution I've made.

Sure, they all sound noble and attainable

when you're bragging to your friends and relatives

about how great your resolution is and this year WILL BE DIFFERENT!

I could afford to drop a few pounds, I already eat healthy, and could exercise more.

I went through months of serious pain last year to give myself a gift.

The gift is the ability to experience all the things I've been missing out on.

I have always wanted to snowboard. I am going the beginning of February.

I would go now, but my husband wants to wait until

after the cruise just in case I break something(I'm not joking, that's his reason)

Here are the things I intend to reward myself with this year:

1. When hands are empty, always run up or down the stairs (just because I finally can!)

2. Learn to snowboard (I was given all the gear for Christmas!) Thanks Sis!

3. Learn to play tennis and NOT suck at it.

(got a racket, already playing, but really suck.)

4. Go to the Ellen Degeneres show and Drag Queen Bingo in L.A.

with hubby's in the closet gay coworker.

5. Join and/or create a women's softball team.

I call dibs on 2nd base! ( I have missed softball for 20 years

6. Take belly dancing lessons with my daughter (we start in 2 weeks)

Build self confidence, tone the abs and have fun!

7. Take my dog for walks/runs. I can run again!!!!!!!!

8. Horseback riding/camping through Yosemite for a week.

9. Drive my daughter to WSU to begin the next phase of her life.

I'll stop here with 9. I think my goal for 2009 and beyond is to not focus on the scale, size of my jeans or how organized my closets are. I am ready to go and do all the things I've been missing out on. I'm tired of sitting on the sidelines cheering while I watch everyone else having a blast. I have nothing holding me back. My leg is healed, and I have no reason to stay seated while life whizzes past me. I want to be the blur whizzing past with a smile in every picture my husband takes of me. We are leaving on January 20th for a cruise. I cannot wait. My first cruise, we are going to drive sand rails on dunes in Grand Turk!! I tried snorkeling in Thailand, and while the scenery was amazing, I still think it feels like those damn x-ray bite wings from the dentist when I put the mouthpiece in. I gag. Almost instantly. It's not my favorite activity.
I am excited about the possibilities this year will hold. I have always been a proud Republican, but I voted for Obama this year. I wasn't sure I could actually follow through with it until the very last second in the voting booth, but I did vote democrat. He reminds me of Reagan in the sense that they both chose to focus on the greatness inside us, the core of what our country stands for. Reagan referred to us as the shining city on the hill. He gave us hope, possibility, and he inspired us to work harder, reach further and he cheered us on the whole way. He stood up to injustice, called it out and challenged it, and the wall came down. President Obama focused on the same message of hope, and I am actually excited about the next 4 years. Sorry for rambling on there!

I just know that at age 38, I spent way too much time limping and icing my knee and not nearly enough time out enjoying life. I plan to have tons to blog about, and I'll throw in some soup recipes along the way.

By the way, the Cioppino on New Years Day was fantastic. I remembered to take a picture after it was gone, so no photos this time. The recipe is simple, with simple ingredients, San Francisco style the way it was invented. The secret to perfect cioppino is always use fresh seafood and a really good bottle of red wine. Not the cheap crap they label for cooking, I mean the expensive stuff you save for special occasions. It's even better to finish off the rest of the bottle while watching the stew simmer, which is exactly what I did!

Happy 2009 everyone! I plan on packing it full of lots of fun! What do you have planned for 2009?



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